Staatliches Russisches Museum Sankt Petersburg: Abstraction in Russia XX Century,
Katalog zur Ausstellung (14.12.2001 - 15.03.2002) S. 232-233; 422 (volume 2):
Englische Ausgabe ISBN 3-935298-50-1 / russische Ausgabe ISBN 5-9332-070-6

POLADJAN, Michael, born 1938, Moscow

Graduated from the Faculty of Applied Art, Moscow Institute of Textiles (1965) and the special courses on theatrical, cinema and television set design at the Central Television Studios (1968).
Contributed to exhibitions (from 1959).
Emigrated to West Germany (1977).
Free artist and professor of painting at the Schwanthaler School of Fine Art in Munich.
Member of the Union of Artists in Munich (1983).
Represented by works in the National Gallery of Armenia, Russian Museum, Museum of Modern Art (Moscow) and the European Patent Office (Munich) and in private collections in Russia, France, Germany and the United States.
